Gregoric Thinking Styles

June 28, 2015

This week we were supposed to analyze the result of a quiz we took before we started phase 0 at Bev Bootcamp and research our learning styles and how our learning styles have effected our experience thus far in Phase 0. My Gregorc thinking style was Abstract Random. This means I enjoy listening to others, establishing relationships and I have trouble working in a restrictive environment and also have trouble taking criticism(according to Gergorc). I feel like I can realate to some of these "thinking traits" Gregorc has described according to his test.

Funny enough, receiving criticism, even if it is positive criticism has in fact been one of the most difficult things for me thus far at DBC. This funny because it is directly related to my learning style(according to Gregorc) and this isn't a good thing. Now that that's out of the way here are some ways I'm going to fix that.....

1)Accept the criticism, good or bad, as a something to implement and take into consideration.
2)Use the criticism to better myself through implementation, some ideas people "reccomend" and see how effective implementing the criticism has been.
3)If it has been helpful in any way, continue to use the person's recommendations and revise.

Fixed vs Growth Mindsets

Finally, after reading about fixed vs growth mindsets and my thinking type, I learned that a person can change the way they think through the way they approach challenges despite their current abilities or feelings about the topic. In my case, this applies to receiving crticism. I need to approach receiving criticism in a more positive and actionable way, as listed above.

I'm excited to take what I have learned to change the way I approach other people's critiques as a postive experience.

I hope this blog post has encouraged you to find a weakness and implement a plan of action to make any experience a more pleasurable one.
