Issues in Tech
With more and more people using technology in their daily lives, more and more people become more susceptible to cyber security attacks. Over the past few years, breech of information has become a more prevalent issue among large and small businesses globally. With respect to small businesses, intellectual property can be at risk or client information. With respect to larger businesses, large databases of customer information is at risk, which makes consumers more cautious of joining certain corporations. In addition, with the invention of "Big Data" and "The Cloud", consumers put all of their trust into companies to keep their information safe.
For this major issue in the technology industry I have two thoughts of helping reduce the amount of information stolen from consumers and businesses. The first proposal is for small businesses and everyday users. I believe the lack of information given to consumers when they buy computers needs to be shifted to a more "consumer aware" industry where consumers are educated when they purchase new products. This would be done through the companies who manufacture the computers and software. For example, if someone buy's a computer from X company, when that person opens the computer for the first time to use it, there is a basic cyber security tutorial on how to keep safe when working at home and on public Wi-Fi networks. This starts putting the responsibility on the consumers. That consumer would not be able to use any of the computers features unless they completed the short tutorial, this tutorial would be no longer than 20 minutes, but informative enough to be aware of the basic risks and how to prevent cyber attacks.
From the large business perspective, I think it would be helpful for there to be third party cyber security companies that perform quarterly audits for companies that have more than a certain number of customers to protect. This would keep ensure companies were up to date on their security, making it safer for all consumers to utilize more companies without the fear of their information being compromised.
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