In general, I try to live up to these values:
-Close Relationships
The list above are a few values I feel make me the most happy in my life. Granted, this is NOT an extensive list, but it gives you a little bit more of an idea about me and my values.
However, out of the three I picked, close relationships are by far the most important to me. In life, I am a strong believer of surrounding yourself with people you want to be like in order to better yourself and aspire to accomplish bigger and better things. Without close and meaningful relationships, I believe something would be missing. These people in your close relationship circle are people who should inspire you, push you, and are there when everything goes wrong.
The last time someone gave me advice it definitely related to some of my core values. They said not to stress the little things when dealing with people that you consider to be "close". Stressing the little things can only lead to frustration and could potentially diminish the value of your relationship based on insignificant reasons.
While at DBC, I think it will be important to lean on each other for support at least once during the 9 weeks onsite because of the long hours and challenging tasks we will be facing on a daily basis.
Thank You For Reading!