This wee at DBC we were asked to analyze a conflict and break it down into simple, digestible parts in order to resolve the conflict in a more logical manner. Here we go........
1)Discuss a time you had a conflict. What was it about? What happened?
-In the past, I have made plans with acquaintances at a certain time, when I would show up at or around the specified time I would find myself waiting for the better part of an hour to meet for a coffee or lunch.
2)What was the source of the conflict?
-The source of the conflict was that I felt disrespected and my time was not as important to the other person as their time was to me. Out of this I would either need to leave and upset the person I was meeting or readjust my whole day.
3)What basic emotions did you feel upon analyzing the conflict?
4)What actions did you take to resolve your conflict?
-If this occurred more than once, I would then request for that person to let me know when they were leaving to the designated meeting spot in order to readjust my schedule and not feel like I was wasting my time waiting for them to show up.
5)If you could go back, what would you do differently, if anything?
-Yes, I would approach the situation with less frustration, things come up all the time. It's not worth ruining a relationship over the small things in life.
6)What did you learn from this experience?
-I learned how to be empathetic and patient towards other people's situations and needs. In addition, I learned the importance of communication and planning ahead.
Thanks for reading!