Git, GitHub, and Version Control
This week has been my first week in Dev Bootcamp's Phase 0 program. It has only been a week and we've learned so much about Git, GitHub, and Version Control. For those who don't know, Git is a version control software that allows people to collaborate and edit code from the same source. GitHub is the platform developers use to collaborate and upload their code in order to keep everything organized. Despite the similarity in their names, GIT AND GITHUB ARE NOT THE SAME THING!!!!!!! I repeat...GIT AND GITHUB ARE NOT THE SAME THING!!! This sounds funny and backwards but the importance of understanding this has been a main focus of our learning this week. In simple terms, Git is a software that lives on your computer, GitHub is a "social" site that allows people to collaborate on projects. Version control and version control software is very important to the development community in order to collaborate and track changes/mistakes that have been made on a project while being able to be anywhere in the world.
Git is really helpful for keeping track of changes on a project with developers. Git allows developers to view ALL changes in a log called a git log on your computer. The author, timestamp, and tracking code(SHA Value) are all displayed in your terminal to track changes and who made them.
GitHub is a great platform to store code because of the organization and community it has built throughout the tech world. The development community can use GitHub to get ideas and download source code to contribute to, in order to make the code "better/different".
This is just a glimpse of what we have learned this week in our first week at DBC. More to Come!