Arrays Vs. Hashes : Who will win?


A major problem in ruby is whether or not you should use an array vs when you should use a hash(especially for beginners). Your first question probably is, "well what's an array and what's a hash?". Arrays essentially hold buckets of any type of data, this means it can hold a string, integer, or anything else you can think of in ruby. Arrays are also zero-indexed and integer ordered. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!? That means the values with in an array each have a unique number associated with them, but the first piece of data is at position zero, then follow with 1 to ####. For example, if we have a basic array called array, it can look like this:

array = ["Hi",1, 3, 4]

As I was explaining before about the zero index rule, the value "Hi" in this array will be at position zero. So, if I wanted to call that value I would have to say, "Hey Array! I want the thing is position zero". You do that in ruby like this:


Pretty easy right?!

Hashes are a different story. Hashes are essentially a data structure that is a collection of key and value pairs, but it is NOT integer indexed. The way you call for a value is call the key associated with that value. Values in a hash can be identitical, but the keys cannot be the same:

hash = {
:name => "Scott",
:greeting = > "Hello",
:nick_name => "Scott"

As you can see, this is a basic hash that has different key's but has one value that's the same in two if the key's, "Scott".

Now that you know a little bit about arrays and hashes, it's time to figure out when to use one or the other. In my opinion, it seems like you would want to use a hash instead of an array if you needed your data to have a specific label, like a name or an address. With this in mind if your data did need a label, it would be much easier and faster for you to create a hash. However, if order matters for your data it would be wise to use an array because of its indexed nature.

I hope you learned something reading this blog post!

Thanks for reading! -Scott