Git, GitHub, and Version Control
June 13, 2015
This week has been my first week in Dev Bootcamp's Phase 0 program. It has only been a week and we've learned so much about Git, GitHub, and Version Control. For those who don't know, Git is a version control software that allows people to collaborate and edit code from the same source.........clickHEREto keep reading.
DBC Culture Blog
June 13, 2015
My take on the DBC experience is that Dev Bootcamp focuses on providing the tools to be a successful software engineer, DBC does not just focus on teaching their students how to code in a few languages...............clickHEREto keep reading.
CSS Best Practices
June 21, 2015
This week at DBC phase 0 has been filled with a log of Html and Css..........clickHEREto keep reading.
Arrays vs Hashes : Who will win?
June 26, 2015
A major problem in ruby is whether or not you should use an array vs when you should use a hash(especially for beginners). Your first question probably is, "well what's an array and what's a hash?"..........clickHEREto keep reading.
Thinking Styles and Growth Mindsets
June 28, 2015
This week we were supposed to analyze the result of a quiz we took before we started phase 0 at Bev Bootcamp and research our learning styles and how our learning styles have effected our experience thus far in Phase 0...........clickHEREto keep reading.
Technical Blog : Enumerable#Cycle
July 12, 2015
This week I'll be explaining a little bit about an enumerable, specifically, the Enumerable#Cycle method. According to the Ruby Documentation, "An Enumerable provides...........clickHEREto keep reading.
Issues in Tech
July 12, 2015
With more and more people using technology in their daily lives, more and more people become more susceptible to cyber security attacks. Over the past few years...........clickHEREto keep reading.
Ruby Classes
July 19, 2015
With this very basic class in ruby, I've decided to make a calculator, which was the simplest example I was shown when I first started ruby to wrap my mind around a few simple concepts............clickHEREto keep reading.
Pair Programming
July 19, 2015
Pairing at Dev Bootcamp is one of the most crucial parts to the development learning process. Pairing teaches you how to work with others and to write better code.............clickHEREto keep reading.
Variable Scopes
July 26, 2015
This week we focused very heavily on ruby variable scopes. So, I thought it would be a good idea to talk about the different variables and their scopes..............clickHEREto keep reading.
Stereotype Threat
July 26, 2015
This week's cultural blog post is about stereotype threat and its effects. For those who do not know, stereotype threat is when people feel at risk of confirming negative stereotypes associated with their social class...............clickHEREto keep reading.
August 2, 2015
In general, I try to live up to these values...............clickHEREto keep reading.
August 2, 2015
Ruby and JavaScript have a lot of similarities and a lot of differences. The differences seem to be of a syntactic nature between the two languages but functionality seems similar................clickHEREto keep reading.
August 5, 2015
At Dev Bootcamp, we have been spending a lot of time in the ruby language.................clickHEREto keep reading.
August 5, 2015
This wee at DBC we were asked to analyze a conflict and break it down into simple, digestible parts in order to resolve the conflict in a more logical manner. Here we go..............clickHEREto keep reading.
Cheat Sheet
August 6, 2015
August 13, 2015
Lets learn how to ask a good question..............clickHEREto keep reading.
Having My Own Site
August 13, 2015
Working on my own site has been a great experience in itself..............clickHEREto keep reading.